My Offers

3 Days Radical Collaboration


Learn how to build successful long-term (work) relationships and collaborative environments. An experiential, deep and FUN training with immediate impact.


People Trained in Collaboration Skills


Facilitated Team Workshops 


rating by


years experience in behavior science


of fails
to learn from

Powerful Team Sessions


A team kick-off, offsite, or workshop designed for your needs, facilitated by us. Focus on creating an open, participatory space resulting in clear outcomes. From 3h to 2 days, live or online. 

Freelance Projects


Hire me for short- or long-term projects and I will help you with getting the job done. Learn about my experience here or on my LinkedIn. Reach out for a free 1 hour consultation and we see if we are a match.

Surf Lessons, Experiences & Camps


Standalone or combines with Team Workshops or Offsites for the extra fun and transformational experience. The smile on people’s face when learning a new skill is priceless! IKO certified. In Stockholm, Gotland or Sicily.