Hi, I’m Anna

My Story

My passion for exploring the dynamics and conditions for high performing and collaborative teams, leadership and peak performance started already in my young years as a hockey player. 


Horse riding at the time, my mum would pick me up from practice to then go and watch my brother’s hockey practice. My mum recalls me standing next to her watching the boys play, when I suddenly (confidently) shout out “I can do this better!”.

Long story short, the next day I found myself geared up for my first hockey practice, and I never sat on a horse again…


Growing up in a time where few girls played hockey, I spent many years playing as the only girl among boys. I don’t know exactly how that influenced me, but it definitely shaped my inner drive to excel and become better (than the boys in my team).


I did not want to be the girl that sat on the bench, and I wanted to compete with and against the best. My passion for hockey combined with lots of discipline in training helped me get there, I got nominated into the German National Team and played European and World Championships at a young age.

It was also thanks to the fantastic leadership of the coaches I had during my years in the boys teams, where I was trusted, got supported and pushed outside my comfort zone constantly.
I travelled around the world with hockey, and I got to play all around Europe, the US and even Australia.


My +15 years in hockey and growing up with a brother who nowadays plays professional elite hockey has shaped my belief and interest in personal growth, working hard towards a goal with discipline, result-orientation and curiosity.


It also sparked my passion for working with leadership and teams who want to get the most out of the potential they have together. There is always a ME in the WE but we all need a strong WE if we want to succeed together – in families, in sports, at work, in society.


Teams with individual star players are not guaranteed to perform, and sometimes the “underdog” average team ends up winning the championship. Why is that? 😉


I am in the people business, like yourself. Because whatever industry, whether you are building a startup or reinventing a global enterprise, at the end of the day, all products and services we buy and experience in the world are created and delivered by people.


My work centers around the WHY and HOW that work gets done. Organizational culture & development, capability building, behaviour science and group dynamics fascinate me and that’s been my focus for the past 11 years.


I help you build powerful, collaborative teams and individuals that thrive, perform and grow in your organization – so you succeed with your most critical initiatives.

My passion is to leave organizations and their people in a truly better place – more open for change, engaged and equipped with capabilities to create a better future.


Being a certified trainer, facilitator and coach, my work spans across the individual, team and organizational level. I have been facilitating for collaborative impact in both scale ups and large corporates globally.

I get things done, have fun on the way, and love co-creating & innovating for a better world (and workplace).


Get in touch with me when you’re ready to learn more, I look forward to meet you!

When in doubt,
choose change.

Clients I have worked with


I collaborate with


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